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Matthew 18:21-35New Living Translation (NLT)
Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!


I’m telling you this is a struggle for many of us.
No let me just talk about myself.

I just learned that a few people are lying on me, and for a split second I was fired up! I was “bout to go off” then I remembered the scripture above.

Forgive them even if they don’t mean it; even if they never ask for forgiveness.

I have got to FREE myself. People will lie, cheat and steal. But you don’t have to BE bitter because of what someone else does.

Oh it’s not easy. It takes practice to walk in forgiveness.

In the same day, a friend called and said she didn’t appreciate something that I did. Even though there was no malice in what I did, it was spun to be.

I can’t allow how others perceive a situation to interfere with my life. I have to forgive, and move on.

We want people to forgive us but we want to hold them hostage with our own unforgiveness.

Now to the forget part. I would be lying if I said that I forgot what you did, said, behaved etc.
But what I can do is let it go to the point that I no longer think about it everyday. I don’t have to tell everybody that will listen and it no longer keeps me up at night.

I continue to pray for them until I no longer have feelings of strangling them.
I continue to pray for myself until I have forgiven them and forgiven myself.

I refuse to allow ANYONE to ruin my GOD given BLESSED day.
I refuse to let ANYONE make me out to be something that I’m not!
I refuse to let your opinion of me DEFINE me.

I will FORGIVE and I am working on FORGETTING to the point that you don’t bother me 70X7!
